We are happy to share the abstracts for the conference What citizenship education for what democracy? Transnational Perspectives from the 19th to the 21st Century.
From Citizens to Cosmopolitans? Citizenship Education in the Context of a Transcultural Conception of Education
This contribution seeks to answer the question, which theory traditions can be used to determine the aims and tasks of citizenship education under the conditions of globalisation and the consoldiating world society. First of all, it will be explained in what sense world society and globalization are discussed in the lecture. World society is understood as an analytical, not normative concept (Luhmann: „Gesellschaft ist heute eindeutig Weltgesellschaft“ — “Today society is clearly world society”). The concept of globalization refers to processes of expansion and compression of worldwide interchange relations. The main part of the lecture explores the question of in which ways a globalization of political education can or cannot be conceived at the level of its conceptual self-understanding. Three theses are presented and discussed:
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