Category Archives: Abstracts

L’éducation civique dans l’Italie républicaine

Nous publions sur ce blog les abstracts des interventions à la conférence Quelle éducation à la citoyenneté pour quelle démocratie? Perspectives transnationales du XIXe au XXIe siècle.

Luigi Cajani

Le point de départ de ma communication est la toute récente loi italienne 92/2019, qui a introduit dès l’année scolaire 2020-2021 l’enseignement curriculaire de l’éducation civique (educazione civica) dans l’école primaire et secondaire. Cette loi amène une définition très détaillée du programme, qui comprend éléments de formation juridique et politique concernant l’État italien et l’Union européenne à côté d’un ensemble assez  hétérogène: éducation digitale, éducation au développement durable, éducation à la protection du patrimoine et de l’environnement, formation de base à la protection civile, valorisation des identités et de la production agroalimentaire d’excellence.

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Matteo Galdi et l’éducation à la citoyenneté des peuples du Proche-Orient

Nous publions sur ce blog les abstracts des interventions à la conférence Quelle éducation à la citoyenneté pour quelle démocratie? Perspectives transnationales du XIXe au XXIe siècle.

Empire napoléonien, démocratie et colonies au début du XIXe siècle. Matteo Galdi et l’éducation à la citoyenneté des peuples du Proche-Orient

Massimiliano Vaghi

Le patriote italien Matteo Angelo Galdi (1765-1821) est connu surtout pour avoir exercé la fonction d’agent diplomatique de la République cisalpine (puis de la République italienne et du Royaume d’Italie) à La Haye et pour son pamphlet De la nécessité d’établir une république en Italie (1796). Toutefois sa réflexion sur le nouvel ordre international né de la Révolution française dépasse sans conteste le cadre de la péninsule italienne: alors que les événements révolutionnaires n’ont encore que dix ans, Galdi commence à s’intéresser au présent et à l’avenir de l’Europe et de l’espace géopolitique de la Méditerranée et du Proche Orient.

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Citizenship Education in the Context of a Transcultural Conception of Education

We are happy to share the abstracts for the conference What citizenship education for what democracy? Transnational Perspectives from the 19th to the 21st Century.

From Citizens to Cosmopolitans? Citizenship Education in the Context of a Transcultural Conception of Education

Wolfgang Sander

This contribution seeks to answer the question, which theory traditions can be used to determine the aims and tasks of citizenship education under the conditions of globalisation and the consoldiating world society. First of all, it will be explained in what sense world society and globalization are discussed in the lecture. World society is understood as an analytical, not normative concept (Luhmann: „Gesellschaft ist heute eindeutig Weltgesellschaft“ — “Today society is clearly world society”). The concept of globalization refers to processes of expansion and compression of worldwide interchange relations. The main part of the lecture explores the question of in which ways a globalization of political education can or cannot be conceived at the level of its conceptual self-understanding. Three theses are presented and discussed:

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Marxism, Dialectic and Conflict Management

We are happy to share the abstracts for the conference What citizenship education for what democracy? Transnational Perspectives from the 19th to the 21st Century.

Marxism, Dialectic and Conflict Management. West German Business Responses to the International Politicization of Education and Training after ‘1968’

Franziska Rehlinghaus

1. ‘1968’ and a transnational paradigm shift in educational policy

According to Marcel van der Linden, the transnational, left-wing protests of various actors around 1968 had three main reasons: the decolonisation processes, the economic downturn in 1966/67, and the expansion of education. Especially the last two factors had an enormous influence on the politicisation of educational issues in a transnational perspective. After World War II, American human capital theories were widespread and became influential for educational policy inside the OECD. The member states accepted the theory that economic growth could be fostered by investment in education which – as an important side effect – would lead to prosperity and social justice.

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The Politicization of Education Movements in 19th Century

We are happy to share the abstracts for the conference What citizenship education for what democracy? Transnational Perspectives from the 19th to the 21st Century.

Under the Cover of Education? The Politicization of Education Movements in Nineteenth-century Germany, Britain and the Netherlands

Anne Heyer

In April 1872 the Dutch Protestant minister Abraham Kuyper demanded that the municipality of Amsterdam established a new school. As Kuyper wrote in his newspaper De Standaard, the religious authorities of the Dutch Reformed Church had given their approval, and the municipality had to take the next steps: ‘[w]e have good courage, that the municipality will not stay behind, but will haste to bring together the funds necessary for the construction of the schools.’1 Despite the politeness in the quote, Kuyper informed his readers, in an alarming tone, that only one tenth of the children of the city was attending schools. This concern for education was typical for nineteenth-century Europe.

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  1. “Binnenland,” De Standaard, April 22, 1872, 2, Delpher. []